Russian Women Photographed In Vintage Clothing

Elusive Kinship

Tatiana Shvetsova - Yaperova,  a Russian graphic designer, and photographer, creates a photographic series of different Russian women gracefully posing in  different ancient styled clothing. According to Tatiana's description of the project, the intent of it was to show how Russia is a country with a variety of ethnicities and how these different ethnicities have mixed in and influenced each other.


Photographer: Tatiana Shvetsova - Yaperova | Designer-decorator, Stylist: Lubov Mihaleva | Art -studio Dikovina | Muah: Mariya Shelehova | Models: Anna Dolmatova, Mariya Shelehova, Lubov Mihaleva, Olga Shiryaeva, Ekaterina Maluhina


InspirationTia Jones